Friday, 11 December 2009

Reminders from the Prorector of International Students, Mr. A. A. Spasov

The honorable Mr. Alexander Alexevich Spasov extends his greetings and offers his congratulations to the new committee members of MSA of Volgograd State Medical University for their successful election. He also wishes to convey a few reminders to the students.
1.       With the exams coming up, the Prorector also urges students to consult the dean’s office if any of the teachers are giving any unwarranted difficulty in obtaining zachots.
2.       Mr Spasov reminds the students that the examiners are very vigilant and any attempts to cheat will result in severe punishment.
3.       Each student with problems with their documentations is urged to settle them as soon as possible. This is especially important for the students in their 5th and 6th courses.
4.       The students residing in the hostels should be ready with their passports, immigration cards, registration slips and all other documents at all times. Officers from the Immigration Department of the Russian Federation could turn up at any time without prior notice and they will need to check these documents.
5.       The office of the Prorector reminds the students to always obey all hostel rules, including, but not exclusively, refraining to light fireworks indoors, never to use portable heaters and other rules. The office of the Prorector warns that perpetrators will face harsh penalties, up to the expulsion of said perpetrators and anyone involved.
Mr. Alexander Alexevich Spasov also would like to remind the students to study hard for the coming concludings and examinations. He wishes the students well and good luck for the exam season and thanks the students in advance for their cooperation.

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