Monday, 28 December 2009

Concerning The End of 2010 Spring Semester Dates

Please take note that the exact date for the end of 2010 spring semester will only be confirmed in February 2010. Tickets booked or bought before the confirmation are on the student's own risk.

The MSA Committee would like to advise the student body not to book or buy the tickets before the date is released. The Committee would also stress that the tentative dates are just that and are subject to change.

Concerning the practicals for the students of the 2nd course, the Committee is still trying to convince the University. The official word from the University is that the planned practicals cannot be changed because it was requested by the Malaysian Medical Council [MMC].

The Committee is also waiting for information regarding the amount of time the students need to return prior to the expiry date of their visa.

The Committee would also like to extend the season greetings to the student body and wish them a Happy New Year and good luck in the coming examinations.

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