Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Summer Practicals 2010

The practicals for the Second Year students will begin on the 1st of July 2010. They are required to be at the Therapy department of the Regional Hospital [Областьная Больница] at 8.30am on the abovementioned date.
The schedule of the practicals for the Fourth Year can be downloaded here.

The practicals for the Third Year and Fifth Year students will begin on the 2nd of July 2010. At 10 a.m. on that date, students are required to be present in the 2nd and 3rd lecture halls, for Third and Fifth Year respectively. Your group assignment will be revealed there.

Each student is required to bring your lab coats, an exercise book and your diary.

Please be informed.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

To all students facing problems concerning their apartments, please do not hesitate in contacting Mr Denis Kovrizhnikh or your MSA batch representatives.

Also, from the 21st of June 2010 till the 26th of June 2010, Mrs Nina Vilevna will not be available in the Dean's office. Any matter that needs the Dean's office's attention should be brought up to Ms Svetlana Makarovna.

Please be informed.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Document Matters for First Year JPA and MARA Sponsored Students

Attn: JPA and MARA sponsored 1st year students

This is to inform you that your higher education documents/certificates translations are ready, and they are currently in the hands of the university.

You are required to find Miss Tatiana, who is in charge of the certification of documents, in the treasury of the university (below the dean’s office) together with your passport and 5000 rubles* to deal further with your document nostrification; they are yet to be sent to Moscow for final certification and verification.

As for MARA sponsored students, you are also required to present your UNITEC cert besides your passport and the fee stated above.

This procedure has to be done by 15th June 2010 (Tuesday).

PLEASE DO NOT DELAY! Any delays for your document verification might prevent you from completing your academic semester in the future.

*Fee stated is as of current rate. Payment delay might result in increased rate.

Please be informed. Thank you.


Tuesday, 1 June 2010

MSA Academic Quiz - Week 6 [Final Week] Result

The Winner for Week 5 of the MSA Academic Quiz is Chong Kok Hung of group 37, 6th Year.

The answer scheme is as follows:

ECG: normal axis, atrial fibrillation (no P, irregularly irregular ventricular response, fibrillary waves), LBBB (broad QRS in V1, no secondary R wave in V1, no Q waves in lateral leads, ST elevation in V1-V4, T wave inverted in I and aVL). Atrial fibrillation and left bundle branch block (LBBB).

spot diagnosis: cystic adenoma of the pancreas

Congratulations, Chong Kok Hung.

That's it for the MSA Quiz for this year! We hope to see you all next year!