Saturday, 16 January 2010

Paediatrics MCQ Test for 5th Year

The Paediatrics MCQ will be held at the Межкафедральный центр сертификации специалистов (МЦСС), which is located on Dzerzhinskii Street 45 on the 19th of January 2010, where the practical class for Ambulance was held

The test will begin from 9am until 1pm. Please be there early as the test will be held for all international students of both Russian and English mediums. 

To get there by public transport, you can either take the:

1] Express Tram to the «ВГТЗ» stop

2] 9 or 3 Trolleybus to the «Тракторный рынок» stop

3] 8 or 8a Trolleybus to the «Площадь Дзержинского» stop

4] 149, 159, 59, 39, 25, 14, 40, 21, 11, 96, 223, 18 Marshrutka to the «Тракторный рынок» stop
36, 7к Marshrutka to the «роддом № 1» stop
61, 61а, 10с Marshrutka to the «17-я школа» stop

Please be informed.